Pyaar Dosti Hai (Friendship=Love)

Pyaar Dosti Hai (Friendship=Love)

The house was abuzz with festivities. The hall was adorned with flowers and their fragrance wafted through the entire place.

Riddhima was looking at her hands which were adorned with henna. The henna had stained her palms black, a sign that her to-be husband Shiv loves her a lot. Her friends and relatives couldn’t stop gushing about it and embarrassing her, she on the contrary felt nothing.

She knew Shiv and her family since childhood and it was a given that they would wed. She attributed her cold response to this fact and painstakingly smiled and took part in the rituals. When Shiv held her hand and slid the expensive diamond on her finger, she had to fake excitement. All the relatives and guests poured their wishes and went ga-ga over the engagement ring. Riddhima seemed lost and alone amidst all the chaos till,

…she saw Meena.

She jumped in delight from her chair and rushed to hug her best friend. Meena, Riddhima, and Shiv practically grew up together and knew each other in and out. After the three; graduated in Commerce, Shiv and Riddhima’s roka was announced. Shiv joined his dad’s garment business and Riddhima decided to pursue her MCom; specialising in Taxation, whereas Meena left for the US to pursue a Diploma in Investment Banking. Riddhima saw Meena today after 2 years and couldn’t contain her excitement.

Meena had always been her confidante, her partner in mischief, and her rock through every trial and triumph. Riddhima was always drawn to Meena and they spent hours together, lost in conversation and laughter, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. As Riddhima grappled with the expectations of being a wife and daughter-in-law placed upon her by society, she found solace in Meena’s unwavering support and understanding. Meena was always just a call or message away. In that moment, amidst the engagement festivities, Riddhima felt a sense of comfort wash over her. The familiar warmth of Meena’s embrace was probably what she needed to feel like herself amidst all the chaos like a protective shield.

As they pulled away from the embrace, Riddhima found herself drawn to Meena in a way she had never fully acknowledged. Meena’s presence brought a sense of clarity to Riddhima’s tumultuous thoughts. She had always admired Meena’s courage, and her unapologetic embrace of her true self. Their friendship had always been special, but now, as they stood facing each other, Riddhima couldn’t ignore the flutter of attraction that stirred within her. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a truth that had been hidden in plain sight all along.

Why did she miss Meena so much? Why didn’t her clandestine outings with Shiv ignite any spark in her? At that moment wearing Shiv’s ring on her finger amidst thousands of guests, Riddhima realized that her feelings for Meena ran deeper than friendship. She was in love with her best friend, and the realization filled her with a sense of both exhilaration and trepidation.

Riddhima was a go-getter in comparison to the quiet and shy Meena. She didn’t bother with what the world or for that matter even her family would say. She only feared whether Meena would accept and reciprocate her feelings. Riddhima knew she had to confess to Meena; it was a do-or-die for her with her marriage to Shiv being merely six months away. She knew she had to talk to Meena before it became too late.

As the night grew quieter and the last of the guests bid their farewells, Riddhima and Meena found themselves alone enjoying their favourite malai kulfi. The remnants of the festivities lay scattered around them, but their attention was solely focused on each other and their fast-melting dessert.

“Why so slow and distant? You haven’t been yourself today? Hope all is well Rids? Is Shiv bothering you too much?” Meena playfully nudged her.

Riddhima’s heart pounded with a mixture of fear and anticipation as she looked into Meena’s eyes. She knew that this moment would change everything, and yet she couldn’t deny the overwhelming desire to tell her the truth.

“Meena,” she began, her voice barely above a whisper, “there’s something I need to tell you.”

Meena’s eyes reflected a mix of curiosity and affection. “What is it, Riddhima?” she asked, her voice gentle and reassuring.

Taking a deep breath, Riddhima gathered her courage and spoke from the depths of her heart. “I’ve been struggling with these feelings for a while now, but I can’t keep them hidden any longer. Meena, I… I’m in love with you.”

The words hung in the air between them. Riddhima waited anxiously for Meena’s response, her heart pounding in her chest.

For a moment, there was silence as Meena processed Riddhima’s confession. Then, to Riddhima’s relief and joy, a smile spread across Meena’s face, illuminating her features with warmth and affection.

“Riddhima,” Meena said softly, reaching out to gently cup Riddhima’s face in her hands, “I’ve been waiting for you to feel and say that for so long. Why do you think I left for the US after your roka was announced? I couldn’t bear to see you with anyone else. Yes, you fool…I’m in love with you too.”

Tears welled up in Riddhima’s eyes as the weight of their shared truth washed over her. In that moment, all of her fears and doubts melted away, leaving only the overwhelming certainty that they were meant to be together.

Despite the joy and relief that came with their confession of love, Riddhima and Meena knew that their journey wouldn’t be without its challenges. One of the biggest hurdles they would encounter was societal judgment and prejudice. Unexpectedly Shiv was the only one who stood by them. He laughed when he came strong with his support for their love.

“I’ve seen you both together, the love and rapport you share with each other, Riddhima and I wouldn’t ever be able to reciprocate and ultimately, we would’ve started hating each other and life in general. You both make the filmy cliché so true, pyaar dosti hai

But not everyone was as welcoming of their love as Shiv, they had to steel themselves against hurtful remarks and exclusion, finding strength in each other’s unwavering support. In a world that often struggled to accept love outside of traditional norms, Riddhima and Meena faced criticism and discrimination from their very own friends, family, and even strangers.

Additionally, Riddhima and Meena had to contend with their own internal struggles. They grappled with fears and insecurities, questioning whether they were worthy of love and acceptance. It took time and patience for them to overcome their doubts and embrace the truth of their feelings. They leaned on each other for strength and support, facing each challenge head-on with resilience and determination. Together, they forged a path forward, guided by the unwavering belief that their love was worth fighting for.

After overcoming numerous obstacles and building a strong foundation for their relationship over the years, Riddhima and Meena decided to take the next step in their journey together: they chose to start a family. The decision to adopt a daughter was a deeply meaningful one for Riddhima and Meena. They wanted to provide a loving and nurturing environment for a child in need, and they were committed to giving her the best possible life.

Their adoption journey was not without its hurdles. They navigated through a complex process and a long waiting period. But through it all, they remained steadfast in their determination. Finally, the day arrived when they welcomed their daughter into their home. The moment they looked at her, they knew she was meant to be a part of their family. With open hearts and open arms, they embraced her as their own, promising to cherish and protect her for all eternity.

As they embarked on this new chapter, Riddhima and Meena found a renewed sense of purpose and joy. Their daughter brought light and laughter into their home, filling every corner with love and happiness. Together, they created a safe and nurturing environment where their daughter could thrive and grow into the person she was meant to be.

Their journey as mothers was not always easy, but it was filled with countless moments of love, laughter, and learning. Through it all, Riddhima and Meena remained steadfast in their commitment to each other and to their daughter, knowing that together, they could overcome any hurdle life threw their way.

And as they weathered the storms together, their bond became unbreakable in the face of adversity. With each obstacle they overcame, their love only grew deeper, solidifying their commitment to each other and the journey they shared. They decided to forgo the world around them that bound their love with outdated societal norms and expectations.


henna- a form of temporary skin decoration using a paste created with henna

roka- pre-engagement; its a ritual before marriage where both families and friends from bride and grooms meet and decide for marriage date and functions

pyaar dosti hai- friendship is love

Cover Image by AndPan614 from Pixabay

This post is a part of ‘Out and About Blog Hop’ hosted by Manali Desai and Sukaina Majeed

10 thoughts on “Pyaar Dosti Hai (Friendship=Love)

    1. It is so good to see this kind of love being revealed and accepted by Shiv who could have been a stumbling block otherwise. Meena and Ridhima showed true courage even though society pointed fingers at their relationship. Hopefully, one day in the future, people will be more accepting and open minded!


    2. As long as both the mother’s create a happy and nurturing environment for their daughter, I’m sure a father’s affection won’t be missed. She would surely have loads of oppurtunity to interact with the other sex along her journey of life. Thank you for reading.


  1. beautifully crafted tale, it shows resilience and faith in oneself can help you lead a purposeful life that both Meena and Ridhima achieved

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shiv who was friend since childhood so his support didn’t surprise me. Indian family will make them punished for such crime. Love your narration and glad Meena and Ridhima live their life with so many hurdles.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Shiv was my favourite part as well in their love’s acceptance. Wanted to incorporate more of Shiv in the story, but the word limit stopped me and also becoz I wanted it to be a female triumph. Thank you for reading.


  4. This was a good read. I was actually wondering how Shiv was oblivious to Riddhima’s attraction towards Meena, but I suppose he knew but hid it, until one of them put it out in the open by themselves.


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