Unashamed: Notes From the Diary of a Sex Therapist: Neha Bhat

Unashamed: Notes From the Diary of a Sex Therapist: Neha Bhat

  1. Book Synopsis
  2. My Takeaways
  3. My Rating
  4. About The Author

Book Synopsis

Book Title: Unashamed: Notes From the Diary of a Sex Therapist

Author: Neha Bhat

Genre: Psychotherapy

Pages: 256

Publisher: Harper Collins India

My Takeaways

I started to read this book without any expectations, but the author Neha, who is a licensed Sex and Trauma Therapist, equips readers like me to undo years of misconceptions surrounding sexuality; a topic that is still considered a taboo in Indian households. With clarity and empowerment, Neha navigates the evolving landscape of sex and sexuality in modern India, where young people increasingly turn to platforms like social media and Google for answers to their unanswered questions. She adeptly intertwines the intricacies of mental and sexual health, dismantling deep-rooted stigmas along the way.

Neha sensitively addresses the unique social and cultural contexts shaping the Indian experience. Her perspective, enriched by her identity as a queer individual, courageously confronts issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. She provides not only guidance on self-acceptance and navigating sexuality but also delves into the complexities of desire, trauma, and shame.

The author seamlessly blends academic insights with compassionate, candid, practical advice. Each chapter is succinct, accessible, and thought-provoking, inviting readers to introspect and absorb her message deeply. It’s a book that encourages you to read it multiple times to fully grasp its meaning, leaving a lasting impact on its readers.

My Rating

My overall rating for this book is 5/5. 

If you’re hesitant about trying psychotherapy for your mental health, this book offers invaluable insights. It helped me realize the importance of confronting our feelings instead of pushing them aside. Healing is a crucial process, and I wholeheartedly recommend this book to others seeking guidance on their healing journey.

I hope it reaches many more people and assists them in living more fulfilling and satisfying lives. I loved it.

Grab a copy of the book at your nearest bookstore or Amazon India.

About The Author

Neha Bhat is a licensed sex and trauma therapist who practices psychotherapy from an art-based, spiritually focused, creative-wellness perspective in India and the US. She has worked in sexual assault trauma care at global institutions such as the University of Michigan, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Rush Medical Centre, and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.

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